Rural Cinema Research (FHW)

In 2013, Film Hub Wales commissioned Jim Barratt of Bigger Picture Research to investigate how the Hub can best support rural and smaller community operators to develop and thrive across Wales.

  • The research identified 70 community exhibitors across Wales in rural or semi-rural locations. Around 50% of those identified were unknown to Film Hub Wales, allowing us to build an improved picture of rural provision in Wales.
  • The report presented 13 recommendations based on the support needs and existing services within the community film sector, including current funding opportunities, which will enable the Hub to provide more comprehensive advice for new and existing practitioners.
  • The Hub will consider each of the recommendations, enabling practitioners who may be part-time or voluntary to link in with a range of funds and activities which they may not otherwise access (i.e. from their Local Authorities, UK wide support available from the BFFS (newly named, Cinema for All) and the BFI’s Community Venues Fund, and also possible European support and funding opportunities).

The final report was presented by Jim Barratt at the Film Hub Wales/ICO Screening Days Wales that took place in Chapter on the weekend of the 6-7 July 2014.

Download the final report
