The Passerby


The Passerby is a short film about coming of age, written and directed by Efa Blosse-Mason.

It tells us about Helen, (played by Efa Blosse-Mason), a washed-up teenager, volunteering as a rubbish collector on a beach over the summer holidays. Helen has stopped seeing beauty in everyday things, and despite her age, is cynical and uninspired by the monotonous days she spends on the dusty, isolated beach, filled with last night’s student parties’ broken beer bottles and elderly people taking their dogs for walks. Her companion, Joe, (sensitively played by Liam Burgoyne) attempts at romance with Helen but something seems missing for her. Suddenly, out of the blue a stranger appears on the beach where they work, and Helen finds herself intrigued and mesmerised by her presence. The Passerby (played by Tiffany Ceri) is a free spirit, a mysterious and sensual person who changes the way Helen sees the world, and takes her on a journey of self-discovery. She teaches Helen to notice the art, beauty and spirituality in her life and in herself. And Helen begins to question her sexuality. After briefly touching Helen’s life, like a sylph, the Passerby vanishes leaving a gift in her wake.

This beautiful film (shot by Wilson P.Y. Lau), expresses the confusion and complexity of adolescence and the dawning of sexuality.


Director / Writer: Efa Blosse-Mason
Filming Location: Wales


Length: 11 minutes
Format: Check with rights holder
Language: Check with rights holder


Date: 2014
Festivals: Previewed at the Iris Prize Festival



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